= 1.8.0 = * Major improvements to the theme and custom plugins code. * Some shortcodes had to be moved into the theme (team member, price table, posts carousel, clients carousel, and box). Therefore, if you have translated the dm3-shortcodes plugin, some strings will appear in english again. In order to translate those strings, you need to add the translations to the theme. Now these strings are located in the theme's translations file (wp-content/business-idea/languages/default.pot). These strings include: "Select post type" "Posts" "Team member" "Image" "Name" "Title" "Description" "Twitter URL" "Facebook URL" "Skype" "Email" "Price table" "Add another column" "Price" "Per" "Options" "URL" "Button text" "Custom CSS class for the button" "Style" "Default" "Featured" "Carousel" "Posts carousel" "Post type" "Category" "Number of posts" "Excerpt length" "Clients carousel" "Add client" "Image URL" "Client URL" "Box" "Content" "Google map" "Address" "Height (in pixels)" "Any category" "Twitter" "Facebook" * Other strings that need to be translated in the theme: "Search …" "Search for:" * The custom plugins have been moved away from the theme. * The theme recommends to use the "recent-tweets-widget" plugin for the Twitter feed functionality. * Removed the custom update notifications feature. Now, you can use the GitHub Updater plugin for better update notifications. = Version 1.7.2 = * Updated theme license to GPL. * Before updating to version 1.7.2 and greater, please read the "Page background" section in the theme documentation file: Documentation/index.html. * Removed the default background images from the theme folder. = Version 1.7.1 = * Please check the changes log for version 1.7 too. * Fixed a bug that caused existing custom sidebars to disappear after update to 1.7.1 (the widgets appeared in "Inactive Widgets" section in Appearance > Widgets, so an admin had to reassign those widgets to the appropriate sidebars). Now, the "Custom Sidebars" screen allows to edit a sidebar id for custom sidebars. Please make sure to enter a unique sidebar id across all sidebars(widgets) on your website (e.g., unique_sidebar1). = Version 1.7 = * Security Update: updated the TGM Plugin Activation Class to the latest version (2.4.1) as suggested by the latest WordPress security news. * Fixed an issue in custom sidebars plugin (added id attribute to register_sidebar function). * JavaScript code improvements. * Fixed various JavaScript memory leaks. * Updated the bundled Envato WordPress Toolkit plugin. * Added ability to add links (e.g., a link) in a [dm3_team_member] shortcode. * Prepared the "Posts(Dm3Widgets)" for WordPress taxonomy term splitting since WordPress 4.2. * Other fixes and improvements. = Version 1.6 = * Fixed the issue when the slideshow manager didn't add youtube and vimeo video. * Updated the URL where the theme checks for update notifications. = Version 1.5 = This is a major update, please get familiar with the changes: * If you set "Hide page title" option to "Yes" on the blog page (the page you select for "Posts page" in Settings > Reading > Front Page Displays), the page title (e.g. white text on the dark background) will be hidden on the single post pages too. * Fixed the "Hide page title" option on the Blog page. * Updated TGM Plugin Activation class to latest version. * Added "Footer Layout" option to the "Theme Options". * Added ability to set sidebar for the front page. * Updated shortcodes plugin (dm3-shortcodes) to the latest version. * Added theme update notifications. WordPress admin will now be notified when there is a new version of the theme available. He/she will see an admin notice. The theme periodically checks http://incrediblebytes.com to find out if there is an update available. * Update notifications are disabled by default, but they can enabled in Theme Options page (Admin > Appearance > Theme Options, "Enable Theme Update Notices" option). * I encourage you to enable this feature, as there might be important security fixes and improvements released in the future. It will be great if you get to know about those changes as soon as possible. * The notice will look approximately like this: "An update to the theme is available! The version of installed theme is X.X. The latest version is X.X. Please update the theme." * Removed not needed additional font awesome css from the front end. * Added ability to update bundled plugins through WordPress admin. * Fixed a number of front-end and back-end bugs. * Added Envato WordPress Toolkit plugin recommendation to the theme. * Excerpt output improvement in [dm3_posts_carousel] shortcode. * Text domain fixes in custom plugins. Before updating the theme or the custom plugins, please backup your website files and database. = Version 1.4.3 = * Fixed issues that arised after updating WordPress from 3.9.2 to 4.0. * Theme options page. * Custom post media (slides) in the edit post screen. * Fixed the carousel prev/next buttons, that appeared even if all carousel items were visible. * Added page subtitle option to the single gallery item pages. * Added "Gallery item slug" option to the theme options page. This option sets the URL to the portfolio gallery items to /[gallery_item_slug]/gallery-item/. * If you open a media uploader in the theme options (e.g. logo select) and the post media (slides) the image will not be inserted if you close the media upload. This makes the image selection experience more intuitive. = Version 1.4.2 = * Added "Page subtitle" custom field to gallery posts and set the maxlength of this field to 255. * Added gallery slug option to the theme options. * Increased the maxlength of text fields in theme options to 255. * Added "Plugins" folder to the theme package. This folder contains latest versions of the custom plugins used by this theme. = Version 1.4.1 = * Fixed icons shortcode bug. = Version 1.4 = * The theme was adapted to Wordpress 3.9 * Bug fixes * Improvement of security = Version 1.3 = * Fixed: category selection for custom post types in "Posts Carousel" shortcode * Fixed: added white background to theme options in admin panel (adapted for 3.8) = Version 1.2 = * Added: select color for header background, links, selected menu item background * Added: Ajax preloader color (black or white) * Added: Google Web fonts: Oswald, Roboto Condensed, Yanone Kaffeesatz, Lobster = Version 1.1.2 = * Fixed: small header menu bug in AJAX version * Fixed: latest posts widget bug * Added: ability to show page body (e.g. description) in portfolio (gallery) page = Version 1.1.1 = * Fixed: Dm3Shortcodes plugin compatibility issue = Version 1.1 = * Fixed: links with target _blank and _new will open in new window * Fixed: Some external links were causing problems. Now its fixed * Added malto: link to header toolbar email